Jumpa lagi dengan admin Joe, kali ini admin ingin berbagi sebuah tweak namanya tweak crayon, kenapa tweak ini dinamakan tweak crayon karena yang memporting tweak ini om crayon kalo asal usul om crayon admin kurang tau cuma liat aja di forum XDA aja.
Untuk feature"nya silahkan baca yang di bawah ini :
- stop charging, with battery threshold, sound
- fast charging
- changeable cpu modes
- enabling crons
- enabling init.d
- thermal config = bypass all throttle & hotplugs. custom your own as you like!
- ad block using adfree hosts
- bbm ads remove
- mix tweaks from known Mods out there!
- stop charging, with battery threshold, sound
- fast charging
- changeable cpu modes
- enabling crons
- enabling init.d
- thermal config = bypass all throttle & hotplugs. custom your own as you like!
- ad block using adfree hosts
- bbm ads remove
- mix tweaks from known Mods out there!
Tweak consists of my original cpu & thermal tweak, original stop charging +sound tweak,mod hosts to remove ads, remove bbm ads, and more goodies from known Mods out there.name it: IO tweak, Kernel, FS, VM tweaks, build prop (no physical file changes) , and more.
all are safe to restore via Uninstaller file !!
OK langsung aja ke topik pembahasan, tweak crayon ini membutuhkan akses kusus untuk di instal di hh agan, so hh agan harus di root terlebih dulu untuk menginstalnya, kalau hh agan belum di root silahkan di root dulu dengan cara masuk ke link berikut ini untuk ngerootnya :
Setelah proses rooting udah berhasil silahkan instal juga twrpnya coz tweak ini hanya bisa di flash pake twrp ga bisa di flash pake mirecovery itu juga ada dalam satu paket di mi4itoolkitnya, selanjutnya download tweak crayonnya di link berikut ini :
Setelah proses downloadnya selesai silahkan agan masuk ke twrp dan flash tweak crayon v. 3 nya tunggu sampai nyala hh nya, untuk memastikan tweak ini sudah berhasil terinstal ato belum silahkan check sdcard internal agan sudah ada folder crayon apa belum dan di dalam folder itu ada dua file txt dengan nama charging.txt dan cpu.txt jika belum ada berarti proses instal tweak crayonnya gagal, perhatikan gambar di bawah ini :
Gambar 1
Gambar 2
Untuk pengoprasian tweak crayon ini agan cukup edit kedua file txt yang ada di dalam folder crayon itu, untuk keterangan set overclock cpu nya silahkan check di bawah ini :
- Stop charging will default in battery 100%, will stop in a few minutes after. (-+.5 min.)
- if not working, please set Settings > Additional settings > Developer option > Stay Awake (while charging)
- After charging stop & you unplug the usb, it will take few minutes before phone available to charge again. (-+.5 min.)
- Start charging will default at 20%. this is for those who always plugged in on AC charger.
meaning after it stops charging, it will start charging again when battery is lower or equal to 20%.
- Change the settings as you like in : /sdcard/Crayon/ or Internal Storage/Crayon/charging.txt
CPU Modes
- Default / crayon3
8 Cores run at Interactive 400/499 idle, Max 1.53/1.1Ghz
- crayon
8 Cores run at Interactive 533/499 idle, Max 1.7/1.1Ghz
- ondemand
8 Cores run at Ondemand 200/499 idle, Max 1.7/1.1Ghz
- powersave
8 Cores run at Powersave 200/200 idle, Max 200/200 (not for daily use!)
- mix
8 Cores run at Ondemand/Interactive 200/499 idle, Max 1.7/1.1Ghz
- gaming
6 Cores run at Interactive 533/499 idle, Max 1.5/1.1Ghz
*why handycapped gaming mode?! to slow down the heating.
- more to come.
- Adjustable just edit the file: /sdcard/Crayon/cpu.txt and change the MODE= then reboot. (ie. MODE=gaming)
this value will be used in every reboot.
- Adjustable without reboot:
create folder /sdcard/Crayon/Power/{Mode name}
first letter Capital. ie: /sdcard/Crayon/Power/Gaming
and wait a few minutes (-+.5 min.) until system pickup the setting (folder will be deleted after picked up).
Di sini juga tersedia extra tweak yang di buat oleh om crayon juga tapi untuk extra tweak ini hanya bisa di instal jika sudah instal crayon v3 di atas itu gan gimana jadi penasaran, extra tweak seperti apa lagi yang akan di bagi oleh admin ini, langsung saja check sendiri di bawah ini :
- crayon_more_tweak.zip
gpu rendering, IO, FS, Kernel, VM tweaks. Smoother experience but maybe warmer in hands !
- dont_stop_charging.zip
for not using stop charging
- no_camera_sound.zip
silence the camera click sound (affects 3rd party camera & screenshot )
- default_camera_sound.zip
bring back the click camera sound
- stop_charging_nosound.zip
completely disable stop charging sound.
(or you can use SOUND=file:///system/media/audio/ui/silent.ogg
- full_charging_sound.zip
play sound only when fully charged ( don't stop charging )
- cpu_mode.zip (9/25)
advanced cpu mode allows to set Max cpu speed . ondemand changed to 200/200 idle. powersave changed to more daily use friendly.
- fast_charging_safe.zip (9/25)
updated fast charging, will not reach peak temperature (battery 45C ) easily.
- stop_charging_v2.zip (9/28) *new update
added parameter to enable/disable stop charging!
added use of Alarm !! Now can put phone off to charging and it will stop charging using alarm! (miui tested)
just plug in charger and make folder: /sdcard/Crayon/Charging/Off
will auto generate alarm depending on battery level then turn off phone automatically = awesomeee. haha.
- sound_volume_boost.zip (9/30) *new update
boost the sound volume a bit (speaker, handset, call ) please try!
Credit & Thanks to (and original authors & devs)
- L_Speed_Mod
- PurePerformanceX
- Fly_On_Mod
- Improve_Battery_Tenfold
- BBM_Ads_Remover + aegiszeus @ kaskus
Suggestions are welcome,, Devs please gather as our mi4i now has ability to run tweaks/ mods !!
Untuk link download extra tweaknya agan bisa langsung saja klick tulisan berikut ini :
- Stop charging will default in battery 100%, will stop in a few minutes after. (-+.5 min.)
- if not working, please set Settings > Additional settings > Developer option > Stay Awake (while charging)
- After charging stop & you unplug the usb, it will take few minutes before phone available to charge again. (-+.5 min.)
- Start charging will default at 20%. this is for those who always plugged in on AC charger.
meaning after it stops charging, it will start charging again when battery is lower or equal to 20%.
- Change the settings as you like in : /sdcard/Crayon/ or Internal Storage/Crayon/charging.txt
CPU Modes
- Default / crayon3
8 Cores run at Interactive 400/499 idle, Max 1.53/1.1Ghz
- crayon
8 Cores run at Interactive 533/499 idle, Max 1.7/1.1Ghz
- ondemand
8 Cores run at Ondemand 200/499 idle, Max 1.7/1.1Ghz
- powersave
8 Cores run at Powersave 200/200 idle, Max 200/200 (not for daily use!)
- mix
8 Cores run at Ondemand/Interactive 200/499 idle, Max 1.7/1.1Ghz
- gaming
6 Cores run at Interactive 533/499 idle, Max 1.5/1.1Ghz
*why handycapped gaming mode?! to slow down the heating.
- more to come.
- Adjustable just edit the file: /sdcard/Crayon/cpu.txt and change the MODE= then reboot. (ie. MODE=gaming)
this value will be used in every reboot.
- Adjustable without reboot:
create folder /sdcard/Crayon/Power/{Mode name}
first letter Capital. ie: /sdcard/Crayon/Power/Gaming
and wait a few minutes (-+.5 min.) until system pickup the setting (folder will be deleted after picked up).
Di sini juga tersedia extra tweak yang di buat oleh om crayon juga tapi untuk extra tweak ini hanya bisa di instal jika sudah instal crayon v3 di atas itu gan gimana jadi penasaran, extra tweak seperti apa lagi yang akan di bagi oleh admin ini, langsung saja check sendiri di bawah ini :
- crayon_more_tweak.zip
gpu rendering, IO, FS, Kernel, VM tweaks. Smoother experience but maybe warmer in hands !
- dont_stop_charging.zip
for not using stop charging
- no_camera_sound.zip
silence the camera click sound (affects 3rd party camera & screenshot )
- default_camera_sound.zip
bring back the click camera sound
- stop_charging_nosound.zip
completely disable stop charging sound.
(or you can use SOUND=file:///system/media/audio/ui/silent.ogg
- full_charging_sound.zip
play sound only when fully charged ( don't stop charging )
- cpu_mode.zip (9/25)
advanced cpu mode allows to set Max cpu speed . ondemand changed to 200/200 idle. powersave changed to more daily use friendly.
- fast_charging_safe.zip (9/25)
updated fast charging, will not reach peak temperature (battery 45C ) easily.
- stop_charging_v2.zip (9/28) *new update
added parameter to enable/disable stop charging!
added use of Alarm !! Now can put phone off to charging and it will stop charging using alarm! (miui tested)
just plug in charger and make folder: /sdcard/Crayon/Charging/Off
will auto generate alarm depending on battery level then turn off phone automatically = awesomeee. haha.
- sound_volume_boost.zip (9/30) *new update
boost the sound volume a bit (speaker, handset, call ) please try!
Credit & Thanks to (and original authors & devs)
- L_Speed_Mod
- PurePerformanceX
- Fly_On_Mod
- Improve_Battery_Tenfold
- BBM_Ads_Remover + aegiszeus @ kaskus
Suggestions are welcome,, Devs please gather as our mi4i now has ability to run tweaks/ mods !!
Untuk link download extra tweaknya agan bisa langsung saja klick tulisan berikut ini :
Cukup sekian dari admin jika ada pertanyaan silahkan tinggalkan pesan di colum commentar ok.
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